Figma vs. Adobe XD

In the world of UI/UX design, two tools stand out for their popularity and capabilities: Figma and Adobe XD. Both have become essential for designers looking to create interactive prototypes and high-fidelity designs efficiently. This article delves into the differences between Figma and Adobe XD, exploring their features, strengths, and weaknesses to help you choose the right tool for your design needs.


Figma is a web-based design tool that has gained immense popularity for its collaborative features and versatility. It allows multiple users to work on a design simultaneously, making it a favorite among teams and organizations that prioritize real-time collaboration.

Figma allows real-time collaboration, enabling multiple designers to work on the same file simultaneously, which is especially beneficial for remote teams. As a web-based tool, Figma is accessible from any device with a web browser, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and tablets. Figma offers robust version control, making it easy to track changes and revert to previous versions when needed. With support for a wide range of plugins and integrations, Figma can be customized to meet specific needs. It also provides powerful prototyping capabilities and supports design systems, ensuring consistency across large projects.

Adobe XD is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite and is designed specifically for UI/UX design and prototyping. It is known for its intuitive interface and integration with other Adobe products, making it a natural choice for designers already familiar with Adobe’s ecosystem.

Adobe XD integrates seamlessly with other Adobe products like Photoshop and Illustrator, allowing for easy import and export of assets. The tool offers robust responsive design features, enabling the creation of interfaces that work across various devices and screen sizes. Adobe XD includes powerful prototyping features and advanced animations, such as auto-animate, for creating complex transitions between screens. The software supports voice prototyping, allowing designers to create and test voice interactions for applications. It’s Repeat Grid feature allows for the quick creation of repeating elements like lists and galleries, streamlining the design process.

Figma Software
Adobe XD Software

Comparing Figma and Adobe XD

Both Figma and Adobe XD are excellent tools, each catering to slightly different needs and preferences. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you understand their strengths and weaknesses:

1. Collaboration:

  • Figma excels in real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to edit a file simultaneously, making it ideal for remote teams.
  • Adobe XD offers collaborative features but is not as seamlessly integrated as Figma. Coediting was introduced later and may not be as robust.

2. Accessibility and Platform:

  • Figma, being web-based, is accessible on any platform with a web browser, providing flexibility for users on different operating systems.
  • Adobe XD is a desktop application available for both Windows and macOS, requiring installation and lacking the same level of cross-platform accessibility as Figma.

3. Prototyping and Design Systems:

  • Figma provides powerful prototyping tools and supports the creation and maintenance of design systems, which helps maintain consistency across projects.
  • Adobe XD also offers strong prototyping features, including advanced animations and voice prototyping, which can be a significant advantage for specific projects.

4. Integration and Ecosystem:

  • Figma supports a wide range of plugins and third-party integrations, allowing for customization and enhanced functionality.
  • Adobe XD integrates seamlessly with other Adobe Creative Cloud products, which can be a significant advantage for users already invested in the Adobe ecosystem.

5. Learning Curve:

  • Figma is known for its intuitive interface and ease of use, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced designers.
  • Adobe XD is also user-friendly but may have a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with Adobe’s interface and workflows.


Choosing between Figma and Adobe XD ultimately depends on your specific needs and workflow preferences. Figma is a strong contender for teams requiring robust real-time collaboration and cross-platform accessibility, while Adobe XD excels in its integration with the Adobe ecosystem and advanced prototyping capabilities. Both tools offer powerful features that can significantly enhance the UI/UX design process, so consider your priorities and workflow to make the best choice for your projects.
In Alture, we use Figma for easier collaboration. But whatever tool you choose, make sure it is the right tool for you.
Katharina Düwel
14. February 2024

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